How have you guys been? I guess it's quite some time since I last saw you guys. Especially the J1s, hope you guys have lots of fun in both CO and HC herself. Then to the J2s, block test is over for quite some time already right? Hope you all have met your expectations and even if you have not, just keep trying. =P
Hmm...How's the concert preparation so far? Must 马不停蹄地 practise ok, because it's like only just last than 10 weeks to June 4th(Opps, I shouldn't remind you guys that). I really look forward to the performance, and see you guys showcasing yourself on stage. =)
Anyway, in case you guys don't know, I'm at Nee Soon Camp now training to be a professional medic(or otherwise known as Level 1 Paramedic). Life there is quite good and there's quite a lot of free time to spare at night, just that there's hell lots of biology stuff to study and memorise(grr..I hate memorising things). And the highlight there is that I get to have a weekly poking session on other people using a yakault straw size needle(though I get poked myself too). Honestly, if you are sadistic enough, it's quite fun actually(opps!). So now I know one more way to poke people, other than using fingers(so you better don't provoke me). Xp Perhaps, next time if CO have any events, I can be the standby first aider in the event. Xp Or perhaps you get to see me in action on TV during NDP or some overseas missions(even better than doing OCIP =P).
K, I guess it's time for me to log off. Take care guys!
~An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but would you want to eat the apple if the doctor is very chio?~