Firstly, hcco reuinion dinner was held at marina bay (steamboat buffet) - - a hcico tradition. although very sian alr after eating there for four years, it is still cheap and you can play bowling/pool/arcade there. The only thing is that it gets vv oily when you eat. to give an analogy: after you have your meal there, the oil on your face can be literally used to fry an egg! (lol lame). and occasionally, you can get aluminium foils burning and a nice campfire.
so on the 18th of Febuary, 4:58 p.m. (rainy). me and kaiying was there at the marina bay mrt (we happened to take the same train.. coincidentally). we were supposed to be there at 5 p.m. SHARP... but in the end only saw bong alone... at the ulu coner of the mrt station reading his comic book. some people had huang cheng, some had the chinese quiz competition thingy. so by 5:25, only about 10 ++ people came including DY and another J3 senior.. we tok and tok until 6 something then set of to the steamboat area. Here comes the extraordinary part... we missed the bus service 400 and after about 5 minutes, another one came. this is the first time in my entire life that i encountered this... usu. the frequency of the buss 400 is like 20 min to 40 min lar. so that day damn lucky... dun need to hear those old man and auntie 'begging' you to go and eat their steamboat at the bus stop. (so irritating)
When we reached to place, we were lucky to meet wan qing's (from rgco and hwa chong) mum there... she works at the place where we had our dinner. btw, she managed to recognise us because hongfei was wearing the hwa chong uniform and few of us were carrying erhu. although we do not know her daughter, i acted as if i noe like that... then asked her for discount. =P but not bad la... at least i made her promise us to give us freeflow ice cream after dinner..
Then came the eating part... in the end only 25 people were present coz many people were busy... we barely filled two rows for table which was quite pathetic la. nothing interesting happened except that shupeng was gorging down tons of prawns... until the prawn shells filled the table - at least for his portion of the table. (quite er xin actually). Oh ya... and hongfei was sick and he could not eat all the fried stuff except on some soup thingy and fried noodles which he claimed disgusting. haha nice way to spend the 10 bucks for the dinner. but so good of him to accompany us for the dinner after his chinese quiz competition although he could not eat most of the things. we also had a small fire in the other table and sang a birthday song lar. Other than that... we just ate and toked..
After dinner was pool time... more people came after our dinner becoz they had finished their huang cheng practice. neway.. there were only some pros in the pool like shouhao, hongfei and WENQI. the rest of us all noobs but nevertheless, we played for about one hour. and damn farnie lar... shupeng claimed himself pro but in the end make so many blunders... it was only towards the end then he regained his powers (or consiousness?). His reason: My mind was too preoccupied with 'SOMETHING ELSE'.
five of us took lionels van (those for transporting goods) home. we squeezed into the back of the van and it reminded me of those 'gangster van' where when you walk along the street at night... a horst of gangster carrying poles stop along the pavement and rush out through the sliding door of the van to 'hoot' people. then they would escape by the van. The difference: we are not gangsters.
so thats the review.. hope you like it... eh my first post lohs
btw we din get freeflow ice cream.. the auntie gave us 25 coupons to collect the ice cream. (Cheh....)
this photo was taken from my class blog... quite funny :)