Look at the picture.
Ask yourself, if you are something in that photo, what are you?
A firework has to go through a long period of preparation, moulding and perfecting its insides, just for that eventual few seconds of impact, that bright shower that lights up the night.
I guess this is quite an appropriate metaphor for you all - a firework. Imagine yourself as one of the little particles that make up the firework.
Now all of you are on the journey up through the dark sky. You might not know where you will reach and end, you just know that you will "explode" in a shower of brightness "somewhere out there". You might have thought that the long period of preparation is unbearable, however seek comfort in knowing that it will end as a perfect work of art, a burst of light that lights up the night sky.
I have confidence in you to be the firework on 100507 that flies the highest, explodes to be the brightest work of art, and provides the best memories to the people who are there to experience it.