Yo juniors!
Hmm...Just here to say Jia You!
Although it's merely less than 17 days to go, I'm sure you guys can still go further! So please please please treasure the remaining days to pia, as a whole orchestra. =)
Oh well, I guess I will only get to see you guys on the actual day, so meanwhile you will have my moral support(actually there's nothing else I can give too heh). Jia you and work hard!
Most importantly, enjoy the music, enjoy the last 17days together working for a common goal, and enjoy each other's company! =) And if you want, enjoy Mao! =P (opps, sorry for dragging you in, heh!)
Lots of love(heh!)
The senior from zillion centuries ago
P.S. Actually, I thought you guys really have improved quite a lot, which is really a plus point. =)