everybodee @ qing gong yan!

whee! qing gong yan was last night. the fotos will be posted up soon la. currently resizing the fotos so that i can place them all over the blog. ya the front page marquee section got new fotos already. duno why my com taking so long.
hmm ya for those who cant see the silly tagbaord. ha me no time to edit someone else do la. and oh ya. here's jiamin's add for fotos in case u ppl dun go to tagboard!
all end le. guess wun have much contact/ interaction with the seniors after today la. so sad. ask them come back to co.
stayover was. erm. okay? my room was so small and crammy. but din sleep the whole night too! play cards mahjong n indian poker+ truth/truth. i look forward to the stayover after the seniors' As! at liyu's house. muahaha. shall leave it to minyi to elab on everything la. hha.
meanwhile let me continue on editing the template. den will post the fotos online! byee~