Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I just realised I always blog in school. Hmm...

We finally found a home ar? Yay! Nvm la, small is ok, as long as we have a roof above our head can le...Hmm...anyway, it's legal gathering as long as you have less than 6 people out there, but I don't think the police will be so free to patrol the beach(and if they do, it's a suay day for couples =X)..So ya... =D

Keke...Got different colour mehs? I thought it looks the same to me. =X

Eh...what time do you get to see Ms Tan? I will want to camp there and wait for her...keke... =X

You know, I can you guys play just now, though I can't figure what you all are playing, it's just a bunch of erhu sound with different frequencies travelling to my ear...Haha...

Anyway, Daji is fun! Opps....*run away*

But of course, XYZ is more fun than them! Lalalala....


Signing off,